The Nation’s oldest and largest provider of need-based scholarships to military children.


An Investment Today, Doubles Until Thanksgiving!

Tis the season for giving thanks and at the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation we have a lot to be grateful for – especially our Nation’s Marines and their families as well as our generous investors’ higher education commitment to children of Marines and Navy Corpsmen. Today, we are overwhelmed with gratitude as an anonymous Marine veteran and longtime investor has pledged to match every single investment the Scholarship Foundation receives between now and Thanksgiving (November 27).

This selfless vow of generosity, especially timely for Veterans Day and the Marine Corps Birthday Day, guarantees that any donation received by the Scholarship Foundation within the next month will go twice as far to support its important mission of educating the children of Marines. Your donation of $50 becomes $100! Your donation of $250 becomes $500!

An investment in the Scholarship Foundation is an investment in our future generation of leaders. Leaders who not only demonstrate the values of honor, courage, and commitment that their Marine parent have instilled in them, but who graduate at an astounding rate of 86 percent – double the national average – and who are as committed to bettering themselves as they are to the future of our great nation.

Every minute, every hour, every day countless Marine and Navy Corpsmen make extraordinary sacrifices to protect this great Nation. We challenge you to take this opportunity and truly make twice a difference today.
For more information on how you can contribute, please visit

80 Years, 80 Miles in His Honor

Eighty years ago, on June 26, 1944, Sergeant Richard Herman Young, “B” Company, 1st Battalion, 23rd Marines, 4th Marine Division, was killed in action in Saipan during World War II. Now his son, Hal, who is 90 years old, is walking 80 miles in his father's honor.
