The Nation’s oldest and largest provider of need-based scholarships to military children.
What are the eligibility requirements?
In short, all applicants must be the child of a Marine or a Navy Corpsman, Chaplain or Religious Programs specialist attached to a Marine unit, have a cumulative GPA of 2.00, and have an adjusted gross income at or below the financial eligibility threshold determined by the Foundation on an annual basis. For the 2025-2026 application, the threshold is $123,000 for tax year 2023.
Additional documents may be required during the application process to verify eligibility. Applicants must also submit a completed application with all required documents by the application deadline.
For more information about eligibility requirements, visit
Do all eligible applicants receive an award?
Yes! That said, applicants must meet all eligibility requirements listed at and submit a completed application with all required documents by the deadline. If applicants submit their application with missing or incorrect documents, they will be considered ineligible for an award. Ineligible applicants may reapply in future years.
My family's income is higher than your limit. Should I still apply?
You can apply if your family’s income is over the threshold ($123,000 for tax year 2023), but there is no guarantee you’ll be awarded a scholarship. You will need to provide a thorough explanation of your family’s financial need, and you may be required to provide additional documents to substantiate your explanation. Only applicants with extreme extenuating financial circumstances will be considered. Note, extenuating circumstances do NOT include: “I am paying for college on my own” or “I am attending an expensive college.”
Are stepchildren of Marines/Sailors eligible to apply?
Yes! Stepchildren may be required to provide additional documentation to show proof of their relationship to the qualifying military parent (typically a tax document and/or a marriage certificate). The military stepparent must remain married to the biological parent for continued eligibility.
I'm a part-time student. Am I still eligible to receive a scholarship?
Yes! Part-time students are eligible to receive a scholarship.
I’d like to attend career training or trade school for a non-degree certificate program. Am I eligible?
Yes! Our Career & Technical Education (CTE) Scholarship is available to students planning to attend a non-degree certificate program or vocational training of any length at a school listed on
I’ve already completed my undergraduate courses/earned my bachelor’s degree. Am I eligible?
No. If you’ve already earned an undergraduate degree or completed all of your undergraduate courses, then you’re not eligible for a scholarship. Check out our Resources page at for other organizations that might help.
I’m in high school but am taking dual enrollment courses at a post-secondary institution. Am I eligible?
No. Students who are in dual enrollment or early access programs are not eligible for our scholarship while still in high school. We are unable to provide scholarships to students prior to their high school graduation.
I’m receiving VA and/or GI Bill benefits. Can I still apply?
Yes! Our scholarship can be used in addition to any other benefits you may be receiving.
How do I apply?
Our online application is open from January 1 through March 1 each year. Learn more at We do not provide or accept paper applications, and all required documents must be submitted electronically.
When does the application open and what is the award timeline?
January 1 – Application opens
March 1 – Application deadline
May 31 – Award decisions e-mailed to students
August 1 – First batch of scholarship payments sent to schools (subsequent batches sent approximately twice a month)
November 1 – Award Acceptance deadline
December/January – Transfer paperwork due (if applicable)
Application available all year and processed monthly.
Week 1 – Complete and submit an application
Week 2-6 – Application reviewed and processed
Week 7 – Award decision e-mail sent
Week 8 – Recipient completes Award Acceptance for scholarship payment
I’m a new applicant. What documents are required for the application?
Additional information about these documents can be found in Application Documents. Also note, you may be required to provide additional documentation if you’re not claimed on your military parent’s taxes, you’re applying as a stepchild, you’re applying as a grandchild, or if your parent was medically retired from the military, or if YOU served in the US Armed Forces.
I’m a renewal applicant who was awarded in the 2024-25 academic year. What documents are required for the application?
TRANSCRIPT: Your transcript must show your full name, your school’s name, your completed Fall 2024 grades (or be dated after January 1, 2025), and a cumulative GPA.
2023 FEDERAL TAX RETURN: All pages of the 2023 Federal Tax Return on which you’re claimed OR the 2023 Verification of Non-filing of a Federal Tax Return from the IRS.
Additional questions about these documents can be found in the Application Documents.
Can I email, postal mail or fax my documents?
No. All documents must be uploaded to the online application. Any documents sent by e-mail, postal mail, or fax cannot be accepted. Additionally, all documents must be uploaded as one merged file. For example, the first two pages of your tax document must be uploaded as one PDF.
Don’t have a scanner? These are free apps that convert photos to PDFs and merge multiple pages together: is a free online tool that merges and splits PDFs and converts photo files to PDF. No installation required.
I was previously awarded a scholarship. Do I need to apply again?
Yes. You’re eligible for up to four paid awards but you are required to re-apply and meet our eligibility criteria each year. The renewal application is simple and doesn’t take long to complete.
You’re not required to be awarded in consecutive years, but if you weren’t awarded in the 2024-2025 academic year, then you’ll need to complete the application process as a new applicant.
I've already received four paid awards, but I'm still in school. Can I apply for a fifth award?
In rare circumstances, the Foundation will award fifth scholarship awards when extra funding is available. You are welcome to apply, but a fifth award is not guaranteed and not all who apply will be awarded.
How much are the scholarship awards?
Scholarship awards levels are $2,500, $5,000, $7,500, or $10,000 per academic year. Award amounts are based on factors including financial need, GPA, and available funding. Amounts are not guaranteed from year to year, and renewal applicants may be awarded different amounts in subsequent years.
I won’t be able to get my official transcript by the application deadline. What can I do?
You can provide an unofficial transcript; it must include:
Screenshots are acceptable, IF the items listed above can be seen in one screenshot. Microsoft Word, text, or editable documents aren’t acceptable. Degree audits CANNOT be accepted.
GED recipients: provide a copy of your GED if you haven’t attended college or career training since earning your GED.
For more information regarding transcript requirements, visit our Required Application Documents page.
My school will only postal mail my transcript, but you don’t accept documents by mail. What should I do?
Request your transcript be mailed to you. When you receive your transcript, open it, scan it, and upload it to your application. We’ll accept your transcript as “official” even though the sealed envelope has been opened.
If your school mails your transcript to our office, it cannot be accepted and will be destroyed. No application documents are accepted by e-mail, postal mail, or fax.
For more information regarding transcript requirements, visit our Required Application Documents page.
What tax forms are accepted?
All pages of the 2023 federal tax return (IRS-1040) on which you are claimed.
Even if you file your own taxes, you may also have to provide your parent’s taxes. Check out the next question to determine which document we’ll need.
You’re not required to provide the taxes for your qualifying military parent unless that’s the parent that claims you; see “Other Documents Needed” on our Required Application Documents page if your military parent doesn’t claim you.
Acceptable federal tax forms are:
*You’ll need to submit all pages of IRS form 1040 itself. The tax document must have your full name listed as a dependent, the tax filer’s Adjusted Gross Income (AGI), and the tax filer’s signature so we can verify that the document is authentic.
Unacceptable tax forms include:
The general IRS site for all forms is:
For more information regarding tax requirements, visit our Required Application Documents page.
How do I know if I should submit my parent’s tax return, or my tax return?
Determine the type of student you are by visiting the Department of Education’s Federal Student Aid website.
For more information regarding tax requirements, visit our Required Application Documents page.
I’m considered a dependent student, but I'm paying for my own education. Do I still have to submit my parent’s tax return?
Yes. Dependent students must submit their parent’s taxes regardless of whether their parent is paying for their education. Your name should appear on the tax 1040 form in the Dependents box or on the supplemental List of Dependents form.
If you’re a dependent student and aren’t claimed on your parent’s taxes, you’ll need to provide your parent’s taxes AND your own taxes.
Not living with your parents, being responsible for your own educational expenses, or not being claimed by your parents on your tax forms doesn’t change our requirements.
For more information regarding tax requirements, visit our Required Application Documents page.
My parents are divorced or separated. Whose tax document should I use?
Submit the taxes for the parent who claims you (your name will appear on the 1040 tax form in the Dependents box – or on the supplemental List of Dependents form). You’re not required to provide the taxes for your qualifying military parent unless that’s the parent that claims you.
For more information regarding tax requirements, visit our Required Application Documents page.
What if I, or my parents, don’t file a tax return?
Provide an IRS Verification of Non-Filing Letter for 2023. If you haven’t requested from the IRS, you can provide a Statement of Non-filing of a Federal Tax Return form in lieu of taxes. The form can be found within the application and must be signed by you and your parents. However, the IRS Verification letter must be provided before a final award decision can be made.
Awardees that fail to provide the official confirmation, or provide false statements, risk forfeiting their scholarship award.
What military document do I need from my parent for the application?
Military parent no longer serving in the Marine Corps or Navy: DD214 (Member-4) form.
Military parent is currently on active duty OR is a drilling reservist: Statement of Service (dated within 90 days of March 1, 2024).
Military parent was killed in action, killed in service, or killed in training: Report of Casualty DD Form 1300
For more information regarding military parent document requirements, visit our Required Application Documents page.
What is a DD214 (Member-4 version) form?
This document was provided to your military parent upon discharge from the military and should be used if your parent is no longer serving in the Marine Corps or Navy.
The Character of Service on the DD214 must read: HONORABLE. Read the next question to find where this is located on the DD214.
The following CANNOT be accepted in place of a DD214 Member-4: Honorable Discharge Certificate, DD214 Member-1 forms (or short forms), DD214s that don’t indicate “Character of Service,” letters from Veterans’ Affairs, disability documents, duty orders, or military IDs.
For more information regarding military parent document requirements, visit our Required Application Documents page.
Where can I find the “Character of Service” on the DD214 (Member-4 version)?
Character of service can be found using the table below. The form number/date appears in the bottom left corner of the DD214.
DD Form 214, Aug 2009: Box 24
DD Form 214, Feb 2000: Box 24
DD Form 214, Nov 88: Box 24
DD Form 214, 1 Jul 79: Box 24
DD Form 214, 1 Nov 72: Box 9e
DD Form 214 MC (1900), 1 Jul 66: Box 13a
DD Form 214, 1 Nov 55: Box 13a
Some DD214s don’t show the character of service. That means the document is not the final version and your military parent will need to obtain a final version at:
What if I don’t have my parent’s DD214 (Member-4 version), or proof of their honorable service?
The DD214 (Member-4) form is a required document for our application. The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation is a non-profit and is not associated with the National Archives or the Marine Corps and unfortunately, we do not have the capability to coordinate with them to obtain military records.
If you cannot get a copy of your parent’s DD214 (Member-4 version), we invite you to apply for our scholarship in future years once you have obtained a copy.
For more information regarding military parent document requirements, visit our Required Application Documents page.
My parent is currently on active duty or is a drilling reservist. What kind of service proof do you require?
If your parent is still on Active Duty or is a drilling Reservist you’ll need to submit their Statement of Service. The Statement of Service must be on official US Department of Defense (Marine Corps or Navy) letterhead and signed by the Adjutant, Personnel Officer, Executive Officer, or Commanding Officer of your parent’s current unit and dated within 90 days of March 1, 2025.
The following documents CANNOT be accepted in lieu of the Statement of Service: duty orders, military IDs, Honorable Discharge Certificate, DD214 forms, letters from Veterans Affairs, or disability documents.
For more information regarding military parent document requirements, visit our Required Application Documents page.
My parent served primarily as a drilling reservist. What kind of military documentation do you require?
We need your parent’s final DD214 as listed in the question above. If your parent doesn’t have a DD214 documenting the full length of their service, then we require the most recent DD214 with character of service AND one of the following documents:
For more information regarding military parent document requirements, visit our Required Application Documents page.
My parent was killed in action, killed in service, or killed in training. What service document do you require?
You’ll need to provide the Report of Casualty DD Form 1300.
My parent is wounded, ill, or injured. What service document do you require?
Depending on your military parent’s service status (discharged, active duty, or drilling reservist) you’ll need to provide the appropriate service document as indicated above.
If your parent has been placed on the Marine Corps Permanent Disability Retired List (PDRL), then you’ll need to also provide documentation from the Marine Corps assigning your parent to PDRL.
Do not provide us with documents from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). PDRL is different from a VA disability rating.
Have more questions about this? Email
What are the requirements for the photograph I need to include in my application?
Provide a photo that is at least 500KB and the highest resolution possible (300 dpi preferred). Professional photos (senior portraits or otherwise) are preferred. Examples can be viewed at
All photos must meet the following requirements:
Do NOT submit:
I’ve been awarded a scholarship…now what?
Congratulations! We’re honored to have you as a Marine Scholar!
Your next step is to log in to your Marine Scholar portal at and complete your Award Acceptance. We can’t send your scholarship check to your school until these items are completed. The deadline to complete is November 1.
I’ve completed all my Award Acceptance items…now what?
You can track the progress of your scholarship, including the date your scholarship was/will be sent in your Marine Scholars portal at
Once your scholarship has been mailed, allow 4–6 weeks for your school to receive and process the check. The check processing time depends on your school and we cannot control or expedite this process. We encourage you to reach out to your school’s financial aid office directly to find our when the funds will be applied to your account. It is your responsibility to coordinate with your school on deadlines and use of the scholarship funds.
I'm not attending the school I indicated on my application. How can I update it?
You can update the school you’re attending in your Award Acceptance.
I'm transferring schools in the spring semester. How can I make sure the remaining balance of my award is sent to my new school?
Complete and submit the transfer form found on your Marine Scholar portal under the Award Status section. Your original school must return the unused funds to us before we can reissue the balance to your new school.
What can I use my scholarship award for?
Your scholarship may be used for any cost of attendance expenses incurred during the academic year. Cost of attendance can include but is not limited to: tuition/fees, room/board, books, transportation, and other school-related expenses as defined by your school. You should discuss directly with your school’s Financial Aid Office about their reimbursement/disbursement policies and how you wish to use your scholarship funds.
Can my scholarship be applied to summer classes?
Yes, as long as your summer classes are in the same academic year (for AY2025-2026, summer 2026 is included). Be sure to communicate this with your school early in the academic year, so your scholarship can be distributed to include the summer semester. Should your school have questions, provide them with a copy of your Conditions and Details agreement which can also be found in your Award Acceptance. It is your responsibility to coordinate with your school on the scholarship distribution and usage.
I have funds leftover from my scholarship. Can I use them the next academic year?
No. Your scholarship may only be used in academic year in which it was awarded. If your scholarship is paid partially, or in full, it will count as one of your four paid awards. Any unused portion of your scholarship must be returned to us at the end of the academic year.
Where do I return unused funds?
Please ask your school to mail the unused funds back to the Scholarship Foundation office using the following address:
Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation
909 N. Washington St., Suite 400
Alexandria, VA 22314