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Rear Admiral Keith Jones USN (TX)

Rear Admiral Keith Jones USN (TX)

A native of Ferriday, Louisiana, Keith joined Toyota in 2005, leading diversity and inclusion initiatives to advance strategy, policy and programs to further diversify Toyota’s workforce, workplace and community connections across North America.

He lives in North Texas and works at Toyota’s national headquarters in Plano, TX.

Prior to joining Toyota, Keith chartered and led corporate diversity initiatives at Volkswagen of America, the Kellogg Company and Shell Oil Company.  Jones earned a MBA from California State University in Bakersfield and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

A proud Sailor in the United States Navy, Keith sailed aboard the USS Enterprise on active duty and still serves in the Navy Reserve component.  A logistician by training and experience across joint, combined and expeditionary commands, he has held command positions at every rank attainable and will close out his career in the Fall of 2020 as a Rear Admiral (Upper Half) and assignment as Deputy Director, Logistics, Fleet Supply and Ordnance, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, HI. 

Claim the limited-edition honor coin

Claim your limited-edition Challenge Coin with a qualifying gift today – available only while supplies last. This coin, “Honor,” is the first in a 3-piece limited-edition series based on the Marine Corps values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment.
