The Nation’s oldest and largest provider of need-based scholarships to military children.

September 28, 2024

Sergeants Davis and Dougherty USMC Memorial Shoot

In partnership with the 1/5 Vietnam Veterans Association, the 9th Annual Sergeant Davis and Dougherty Memorial Shoot will be held on September 28, 2024. The tournament proceeds will benefit the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation and the Sergeant Rodney M. Davis, USMC (Medal of Honor) Memorial Scholarship.

Co-Host for this event — 1/5 Vietnam Veterans Association

We are the combat veterans of the 1st Battalion of the 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division (1/5), who served during the Vietnam War. Our Mission is to support the scholarship needs of the children of U.S. Marines and Sailors. We also foster, encourage, and perpetuate the memory, spirit and comradeship in arms of the 1/5 Vietnam Veterans/1st Marine Division, and support the active duty men and women serving in “our” battalion and “our” regiment, and their families. The 1/5 Vietnam Veterans Association is a 501 (C)(19) non-profit corporation chartered in the state of North Carolina. All donations are tax-deductible up to the limits of the law. For any questions regarding the 1/5 Vietnam Veterans Association, or the Sergeant Dougherty Memorial shoot, please call Jim Latta at 610-909-6507.

*This event honors two American heroes, Sergeant Rodney Davis (Medal of Honor and Purple Heart) and Sergeant James Dougherty (Silver Star and four Purple Hearts). When their nation called, they answered.

Schedule of Events

  • 7:15am
    Breakfast & Registration
  • 8:30am
    Briefing & Instructions
  • 8:45am
    Shooting Competition Begins
  • Lunch and awards to follow

Sponsorship Opportunities


  • Name/Logo recognition and top billing in advertising
  • Special recognition during awards presentation
  • Three teams of four shooters
  • Meal provided for all shooters
  • Reserved table with name recognition


  • Name/Logo recognition & preferred billing in advertising
  • Special recognition during awards presentation
  • Two teams of four shooters
  • Meal provided for all shooters
  • Reserved table with name recognition


  • Name/Logo recognition in tournament advertising
  • Special recognition during awards presentation
  • Signage at the station you sponsor
  • One team of four shooters
  • Meal provided for all shooters


  • Name/Logo recognition in tournament advertising
  • Two individual shooters
  • Sponsor a Wounded Warrior and a guest
  • Meal provided for all shooters

TEAM ENTRY – $1000

  • One Team of four shooters



  • Signage at the station you sponsor
  • Four meal tickets and access to auction
  • Opportunity to place items in the shoot gift bag

*shoot not included


*shoot not included

Event Details


Claim the limited-edition honor coin

Claim your limited-edition Challenge Coin with a qualifying gift today – available only while supplies last. This coin, “Honor,” is the first in a 3-piece limited-edition series based on the Marine Corps values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment.
